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May 13, 2022
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Aww Jamie, I love that so much. Honestly the best feeling is knowing we’re not contemplating alone. After all everyone is you pushed out so I’m not surprised by the similarities at all 💛

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YES! honestly, i feel like what you are ruminating on is exactly what I imagined I signed up for. so much that I thought to suggest it but it didn't feel correct. Every time I hear you speak I feel like my well has been stirred and reoxiganated. I don't want to ask questions, I don't know what I want to know. I just know that it's always what you have to say. <3

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Wow so cool! We’re always all co creating. It’s funny because I had this idea from the start but didn’t want to bombard the inbox but now I know it’s the next move 🚀

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I would love these daily reminders!

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Would love a daily reminder ✨

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Daily reminders sound so lovely!

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