Today is today,
Firstly I want to thank you for all of your love, energy & support as I was nursing back to health from a recent bout of food poising. Meant so much to receive your messages.
Things can look so different when we’re moving through experiences that threaten our health and in turn threaten our life.
Our ability to be co-creators can be taken in an instance & often times these experience remind us so deeply of the power & value of health as its own currency.
It invites us to parse through what we actually have the energy to give life to & what we may be unintentionally holding on to for various reasons.
These past few months of bringing TDS to life & doing my best to nurture while moving with every season of refinement is beginning to take its toll on me.
If you’re not already aware, I’ve been simultaneously working on The Aquarian Entrepreneur which I initially thought would just be a program. Turns out it’s much more than that.
It has morphed into something I can no longer hold myself and has attracted the interest of investors!
While I should feel happy, it dawning on me that this is where I’m being asked to really commit to growing into.
If you’ve been studying your North Node either in Human Design or Astrology, you’ve most likely come across information around how your NN is where you’re going and growing into.
It’s not a part of us that comes easily. And in that we’re asked to rely on the bounty & gifts of our South Node to support the transition over.
One moment you can be minding your business & BOOM, your destiny comes flying at your face. All this to say I’m unsure of the future of TDS. In some ways I’m saddened that a pause is imminent, most likely around the end of this month (July), while simultaneously celebrating what we’ve even able to create in such a small time frame.
I have visions for this community that I hope to one day see come to fruition. We had already started implementing a few of them. Community submissions & The Deep Sigh, we have one being hosted this month.
The thing is, the path is not linear and if you have any of the profile lines that ask experimentation from you (6th or 3rd), you’ll understand this intimately. It can be exciting but also exhausting to start building in one direction only to be taken away a few moments later but I suppose that is the entire point of being Humanly Divine.
I’ll circle back with the nitty gritty details of how the pause will work but in the mean time, know that some posts will be left active if you ever need to return to them. I may still pop in from time to time and share community submissions but not at any particular schedule and all paid memberships will stop at the end of the month.
*deep sigh*
We often name it a mistake when we miss the first time.
While claiming perfection when achieved on the first try.
But isn’t perfection the fact of arriving to the destination?
A truly perfected path is the one where you keep walking despite all of the missed takes.
Thank you. Every word that I’ve shared has felt so held, loved & accepted by you and for that, I couldn’t ask for much more.
see you on the other side
I just saw this quote from Alan Watts today: “The more a thing tends to be permanent, the more it tends to be lifeless.” Then I read this today and wow, so resonant.
love love love how you just go with the changes of life, not holding on to what you created yesterday but moving toward where you are being lead. As a 3/5, it is totally inspiring to watch you continually move with life.