It’s month’s end & also entrance into this Aries New Moon.
Making it an especially luxurious time for individualized breakthroughs. Aries is the archetype that represents ‘I Am’.
It’s about making sure the ‘I’ is taken care of before the other & in this breath teaches us a lot about how we or how we don’t care for ourselves. How we sacrifice out ‘I’ for the other & how that’s just low key another side of narcism.
How it Works
At the end of every month, I will invite us into a moment to recap and inquire about the month behind us. Each month will come with its own energy we will use to illuminate the questions we’ve been brewing over.
Anyone in the community may submit their question.
If you are a free subscriber, just hit reply with your question.
If you are a paid subscriber, comment your question below.
I will answer paid subscriber questions first & in order to listen to the entire Stream publication of this month’s Q&A, I’d like to invite you to become a paid subscriber.
Prompt: Ask Absolutely anything around prioritizing the ‘I’ & what else came up for you in March?
Will record this publication of The Stream on April 1, 2022- Questions will close then
See you on the other side
Last month was all about falling back in love with the "I" again at a new self-worth high. Thank you for opening up this space for us Jas.
Q: How do I keep my "I am-ness" in partnership?
Would love to hear from your experience with Alex if you're open to share Jas!
From a 3/5 Sacral Man Gen going through Saturn Return.
I feel like I've been going through similar journey of ego death, of this identity I had for 20 years that is attached to what I DO for work with online marketing & growing business. I left my corporate job 3 years ago to launch my consulting business in online marketing, and I feel another shift in my business and in my being coming up.
My question: What is your best advice for transitioning between identities in the public space online?
Context: Part of me things that I may not need to shift my business and I feel the next step to find a channel where I can just BE, So I can really express my thoughts on topics passionate about (elevating consciousness, connecting to intuition, liberation from oppressive systems of control...). This is what I wanna step into... more of who I know I am, and all I know I could be...