The timing and feeling of this space feels so divine - thanks Jas.
My question is: how do I trust life again and reconnect with how much pleasure there’s available when it feels like I’ve been knocked out and unable to feel true joy for the last 1,5 years?
From a 6/2 Sacral Generator that turned 30 last year and got knocked out by motherhood and lost my “I” completely.
What came up and out of my mouth the other day was “I feel like I am supporting so many and I want to feel supported too!” And I thought about what that would look like for me to truly feel supported as well. I am not sure. Maybe I don’t stop to recognize the way I am already supported in my life. Any thoughts around this?
Hi, no questions, but I did want to let you know how grateful I am for you and for this space. I know that you know but I want to RE affirm how your words and presence have the power to attune a person (in this case me) on a cellular level. when I heard your most recent talk where you spoke about the sacral, your sacral... It caused a response in my own defined sacral as well as a mental recognition and an "oh shit" "it's not me" and relief and then panic (what the hell have I been listening to/acting on if not my authority?). the next few days I felt INTENSE grief. I felt it, felt it, felt it. I cried, grunted, screamed. but I never chased it away. I feel like my entire being is recalibrated. I don't know if you have heard about German new medicine, but there's a theory that what we know as disease is actually our body healing and adapting from a past conflict. when we experience symptoms, it is actually that healing has already occurred. my intuition is that it is the same for the actually symptoms of grief. when we are feeling the grief it that we are already in the process of healing from what has caused it, all we have to do is allow and trust. your stories and being have helped me to heal and I am so grateful for this space that you have created.
I feel like I've been going through similar journey of ego death, of this identity I had for 20 years that is attached to what I DO for work with online marketing & growing business. I left my corporate job 3 years ago to launch my consulting business in online marketing, and I feel another shift in my business and in my being coming up.
My question: What is your best advice for transitioning between identities in the public space online?
Context: Part of me things that I may not need to shift my business and I feel the next step to find a channel where I can just BE, So I can really express my thoughts on topics passionate about (elevating consciousness, connecting to intuition, liberation from oppressive systems of control...). This is what I wanna step into... more of who I know I am, and all I know I could be...
Hi Jas! Like everyone else mentioned above, I’m so thankful for this space. It is truly a luxury.
I’m just going to dive in: I’m a 3/5 sacral generator and my husband is a 4/6 emo mani gen. Not feeling lit up by our partnership for a while now. Most of the time I feel like his battery charger. He’s a good person and I feel guilty for feeling this way. Not getting a clear sacral response tho, I feel cut off from my intuition. Sometimes I just want to leave because I can see that our core values are no longer aligning, but when I ask for guidance I get nothing. I give myself time to tune in and listen, but even though the relationship feels misaligned, draining etc I don’t feel that resounding yes when I ask myself if I should go. So my question is, how can I reconnect with my sacral and trust the response that I get? I’m used to receiving very clear messages and this is just beyond me.
March had me in my head a bit. Feeling unprepared, forgetful and a little chaotic. I had a crazy outburst closing out the month that had me looking at myself in a different way. Wondering if I hadn’t come as far as I thought I had. Or if I just needed to realease that and move on. For some reason I think that just because I am healed, I should maintain this angelic balance all of the time. That day, everything left. Which I’m looking back at and feeling like it’s okay. I had to happen. Even if I don’t know why exactly.
I am creating life at the moment. Expecting our little light 6/1. Which made me feel even worse behaving in that way with life inside me. Sigh. But my question for you is, could you provide any guidance on how to maintain my I as I enter this new chapter of life? Motherhood.
I'm always the space holder in my work and in my personal life so it feels really soothing and like a relief to have space held for me 🙏🏻
Ok so I just celebrated my business's 3rd birthday and I can see all the ways it's grown and evolved over the past 3 years. But I can feel that there's another iteration/evolution wanting to come forward I just don't know what it is. I'm also about to turn 30 and can feel the same sensation around my identity. Knowing I'm being stretched but unsure why.
So my question is: how do you determine/ know what the next mutation is?
Do you simply stay open to receiving guidance/ answers/ nudges etc?
I'm not sure if this is the type of question that has a clear answer but any insight is always appreciated. As a fellow 5th line I resonate a lotttt with your process and the way you share ⚡
Hi Jas! Loving this space.🏺I’ve got a few questions....How do you receive messages/downloads and recognize them as such? What’s your perspective on fear? Like Stefanee, I have also been wondering when desires become obsessions? Feels like I’m on this yo-yo healing journey. Just when I think I’m getting closer, new layers resurface to peel.
Not sure if this thread is closed-- but I wonder about the process of shifting into a new identity as someone with 8 defined centers. It feels at times very dense and tedious. Like it’s “hard” to change. Is this a belief I’m believing-- or is there something to be said for having so much consistent energy that doesn’t feel as “malleable?”
I know I said I had no questions before, but I Thought of something if it’s not too late. I’ve been meditating on pleasure, my personal experience with my sacral response, and my taming of it’s/my energy (because it hasn’t felt safe to be expressed) I would love it if you would dive into your approach to freeing, and reigniting your pleasure response. My guidance is telling me that I need to create within my self a safe "masculine” container to be able to feel safe to experience pleasure. I’ve tried creating this for myself before but I’ve always been very rigid and intense with it … I’m feeling called to trying again, approaching it differently. I’m wondering if structure is natural/necessary. Or if that is another attempt to control something that should be allowed/trusted.
The timing and feeling of this space feels so divine - thanks Jas.
My question is: how do I trust life again and reconnect with how much pleasure there’s available when it feels like I’ve been knocked out and unable to feel true joy for the last 1,5 years?
From a 6/2 Sacral Generator that turned 30 last year and got knocked out by motherhood and lost my “I” completely.
Loving this space so much already! Thank you!
What came up and out of my mouth the other day was “I feel like I am supporting so many and I want to feel supported too!” And I thought about what that would look like for me to truly feel supported as well. I am not sure. Maybe I don’t stop to recognize the way I am already supported in my life. Any thoughts around this?
Thank you, Jas for opening this space, and thank you everyone for basking in it.
Q : When does desire become obsession? Who said obsession was wrong? Is obsession a build up of unmet desires?
Hi, no questions, but I did want to let you know how grateful I am for you and for this space. I know that you know but I want to RE affirm how your words and presence have the power to attune a person (in this case me) on a cellular level. when I heard your most recent talk where you spoke about the sacral, your sacral... It caused a response in my own defined sacral as well as a mental recognition and an "oh shit" "it's not me" and relief and then panic (what the hell have I been listening to/acting on if not my authority?). the next few days I felt INTENSE grief. I felt it, felt it, felt it. I cried, grunted, screamed. but I never chased it away. I feel like my entire being is recalibrated. I don't know if you have heard about German new medicine, but there's a theory that what we know as disease is actually our body healing and adapting from a past conflict. when we experience symptoms, it is actually that healing has already occurred. my intuition is that it is the same for the actually symptoms of grief. when we are feeling the grief it that we are already in the process of healing from what has caused it, all we have to do is allow and trust. your stories and being have helped me to heal and I am so grateful for this space that you have created.
I feel like I've been going through similar journey of ego death, of this identity I had for 20 years that is attached to what I DO for work with online marketing & growing business. I left my corporate job 3 years ago to launch my consulting business in online marketing, and I feel another shift in my business and in my being coming up.
My question: What is your best advice for transitioning between identities in the public space online?
Context: Part of me things that I may not need to shift my business and I feel the next step to find a channel where I can just BE, So I can really express my thoughts on topics passionate about (elevating consciousness, connecting to intuition, liberation from oppressive systems of control...). This is what I wanna step into... more of who I know I am, and all I know I could be...
Last month was all about falling back in love with the "I" again at a new self-worth high. Thank you for opening up this space for us Jas.
Q: How do I keep my "I am-ness" in partnership?
Would love to hear from your experience with Alex if you're open to share Jas!
From a 3/5 Sacral Man Gen going through Saturn Return.
Yes would love to hear about this as well!
Same 🥰
Hi Jas! Like everyone else mentioned above, I’m so thankful for this space. It is truly a luxury.
I’m just going to dive in: I’m a 3/5 sacral generator and my husband is a 4/6 emo mani gen. Not feeling lit up by our partnership for a while now. Most of the time I feel like his battery charger. He’s a good person and I feel guilty for feeling this way. Not getting a clear sacral response tho, I feel cut off from my intuition. Sometimes I just want to leave because I can see that our core values are no longer aligning, but when I ask for guidance I get nothing. I give myself time to tune in and listen, but even though the relationship feels misaligned, draining etc I don’t feel that resounding yes when I ask myself if I should go. So my question is, how can I reconnect with my sacral and trust the response that I get? I’m used to receiving very clear messages and this is just beyond me.
Hi Jas! Thank you so much for this 🙏🏾
March had me in my head a bit. Feeling unprepared, forgetful and a little chaotic. I had a crazy outburst closing out the month that had me looking at myself in a different way. Wondering if I hadn’t come as far as I thought I had. Or if I just needed to realease that and move on. For some reason I think that just because I am healed, I should maintain this angelic balance all of the time. That day, everything left. Which I’m looking back at and feeling like it’s okay. I had to happen. Even if I don’t know why exactly.
I am creating life at the moment. Expecting our little light 6/1. Which made me feel even worse behaving in that way with life inside me. Sigh. But my question for you is, could you provide any guidance on how to maintain my I as I enter this new chapter of life? Motherhood.
So appreciate this space, thank you Jas 💖
I'm always the space holder in my work and in my personal life so it feels really soothing and like a relief to have space held for me 🙏🏻
Ok so I just celebrated my business's 3rd birthday and I can see all the ways it's grown and evolved over the past 3 years. But I can feel that there's another iteration/evolution wanting to come forward I just don't know what it is. I'm also about to turn 30 and can feel the same sensation around my identity. Knowing I'm being stretched but unsure why.
So my question is: how do you determine/ know what the next mutation is?
Do you simply stay open to receiving guidance/ answers/ nudges etc?
I'm not sure if this is the type of question that has a clear answer but any insight is always appreciated. As a fellow 5th line I resonate a lotttt with your process and the way you share ⚡
Hi Jas! Loving this space.🏺I’ve got a few questions....How do you receive messages/downloads and recognize them as such? What’s your perspective on fear? Like Stefanee, I have also been wondering when desires become obsessions? Feels like I’m on this yo-yo healing journey. Just when I think I’m getting closer, new layers resurface to peel.
Jas, I have one more thought....why do you think so many of us feel so alone in this journey of remembrance?
Not sure if this thread is closed-- but I wonder about the process of shifting into a new identity as someone with 8 defined centers. It feels at times very dense and tedious. Like it’s “hard” to change. Is this a belief I’m believing-- or is there something to be said for having so much consistent energy that doesn’t feel as “malleable?”
I energetically was waiting for you, never late.
I know I said I had no questions before, but I Thought of something if it’s not too late. I’ve been meditating on pleasure, my personal experience with my sacral response, and my taming of it’s/my energy (because it hasn’t felt safe to be expressed) I would love it if you would dive into your approach to freeing, and reigniting your pleasure response. My guidance is telling me that I need to create within my self a safe "masculine” container to be able to feel safe to experience pleasure. I’ve tried creating this for myself before but I’ve always been very rigid and intense with it … I’m feeling called to trying again, approaching it differently. I’m wondering if structure is natural/necessary. Or if that is another attempt to control something that should be allowed/trusted.