It’s month’s end & with that we welcome in a solar eclipse in Taurus.
Taurus asks us to look at our foundations and the structures we’ve built upon it. It reflects to us our personal value systems & how those measure with the world around us.
If you attended the previous Deep Sigh mastermind where we discussed the Venus Sequence, you would have felt how important erecting personal value systems are within our personal lives.
How it Works
Anyone in the community may submit their question as well as their best answer.
I will only select questions that are sent in with answers. I’m no longer subscribing to a hierarchal way of communicating. I’m no expert & look forward to reading your questions & answer.
comment your question & answer below.
I will read & reflect on paid subscriber questions first & in order to listen to the entire Stream publication of this month’s Q&A, I’d like to invite you to become a paid subscriber.
Prompt: What structures, foundations or systems are dying out within your life? Which ones are being sown? What did you once deem valuable that you no longer consider worth your time? What are you now asking for & why?
I will record this publication of The Stream on May 2nd, 2022- Questions will close then
See you on the other side
Right now, I feel like all my foundations are shaking. The main theme is: How do I know if I should try to keep it alive, be patient until it settles again , or if it’s time to move on & let it die.
I know it all comes down to trusting myself to make decisions that feel right in my body. But there is so much clouding my judgement. I’m always in my head. It’s easy to make decisions to start something and follow your authority on that, but I’ve found it so difficult to trust my (emotional) authority on when things should end. As an MG, I know there is room for many things. Sometimes these things light me up, and then the next week they don’t at all. This goes for my job, relationships, food, books, ideas. I feel like I’m always changing how I feel about things, there is no stable foundation, no routine, no consistency.
I know I have not been feeling so stable and safe in my routines & daily life because my business is just not supporting me financially in the way I want. But I just don’t want to quit & am waiting and waiting for my ‘success’.
I would love to hear your insights 🤍
How do I find balance between wanting more and enjoying everything that’s present?
Wanting more love, yet not fully grasping and receiving the love that’s already available.
Wanting more money, yet not fully appreciating and enjoying the money that’s already present.
And wanting more pleasure, yet not fully tapping into the pleasure that’s already mine and free to enjoy.
Something that’s been dying in me lately is the hunt for more. And I’m softening into enough. I don’t need to hoard love, money, pleasure or freedom. I just want enough. It’s not settling. It’s setting myself free. Free from societies constant push to make me feel like I don’t have enough and should want more. And though I both love and have surrendered to the way my feminine will always want more. I see now that my focus needs to be on practicing always seeing that there’s enough. I have practiced the chase for years. And I’m good at it. It’s time to practice being and receiving everything that’s already here. Everything that’s already enough. And while my mind is trying to convince me that it’ll ruin everything I’ve worked for, my heart knows that it’s the only way forward.
Thank you for this space and inviting us to both ask and answer - loved the challenge and look forward to hearing you add to it.